Source: UNIFEM
This guide is intended to contribute to the development and more effective use of gender-sensitive indicators so that services are delivered more efficiently and effectively to women. It should be seen as a generic and basic tool to map and anlyse governance of basic service delivery from a gender perspective. It includes indicators and measurement tools developed by multilateral and bilateral agencies as well as by national counterparts. The guide also presents examples of newly developed and innovative measurement initiatives in women's access to public services.

The guide targets a range of potential users. One key target group is UN staff working with national counterparts to use data and indicators to improve the delivery of services, monitor and evaluate impact, and demand accountability from governments and service providers. Another key target group is government departments, donors and international agencies involved in developing, funding and implementing service delivery programmes.

Other important groups that have been generally poorly served in the past are also an important potential audience. These include local governments, which are often most directly involved in the delivery of servces; and end users of the services, particularly women. These groups are likely to be less familiar with the use of data and indicators and may need to enhance their capacity in this area. This guide provides a basic grounding.

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