Source: Center for Global Health Communication and Marketing
This training guide introduces the concept of advocacy and provides a framework for developing an advocacy campaign. The guide is designed for a workshop setting, but can also be used as a self-teaching device. Divided into twelve modules, the guide presents general information on advocacy training.

This Introduction to Advocacy Training Guide provides the tools for people to start engaging in the advocacy process, and is thus designed to:
- inform a diverse audience of potential advocates about advocacy and its methods:
- build some basic skills in advocacy;
- increase the use of available data to inform the advocacy process;
- give confidence to those who are embarking on advocacy efforts;
- encourage the democratic process by providing people with the skills to make their voices heard.

Who will find the Guide useful?
-The Guide should be useful to people in all sectors who wish to improve policies and programs through advocacy. Potential users may be:
- professional institutions, associations and networks;
- researchers interested in promoting their findings;
- program managers who wish to influence their agencies and/or the public;
- NGOs or community organizations;
- ad hoc groups that may form to address particular issues;
- training institutions or groups that work with potential advocates.

How can the Guide be used and adapted?
Although the Guide is written primarily for use in training sessions, it can also be used by potential advocates as a tool to help them start their own advocacy work.
- Selected chapters can be used for one or two-day sessions that can be added to meetings or conferences to give a general orientation on advocacy.
- Institutions, networks, or associations can use it with their staff and members as a guide to help plan particular advocacy campaigns.
- Researchers can use it to plan the dissemination of findings on particular issues.
- It can be used for pre-service training, using simulated issues for advocacy.
- Any or all examples in the Guide can be replaced by examples from other sectors.

We hope that this Introduction to Advocacy Training Guide will enable diverse groups in Africa and elsewhere to participate more effectively in the challenge of making policies and programs more responsive to the changing needs of individuals, families and communities.

To read the full document, please click here 

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