Source: FAO
This brochure introduces the Agri-Gender Database, a statistical toolkit for the production of sex-disaggregated agricultural data. The toolkit provides examples of questions / questionnaire components and table formats for the collection and analysis of sex-disaggregated agricultural data. The availability of such data is critical for the planning of sustainable agricultural development in general, as well as the preparation of improved responses to specific development issues such as poverty reduction, rural development, food insecurity, HIV/AIDS prevention and mitigation, monitoring of Millennium Development Goals achievements and other internationally set development targets and efforts in support of gender equality and women’s empowerment.

This toolkit was developed in response to a request from the African Commission on Agricultural Statistics (AFCAS) for clear technical guidance on the collection of sex-disaggregated data, sometimes called gender statistics. It forms part of FAO’s general concern for strengthening the capacity of national statistics systems in the framework of the 2010 Round of the World Programme for the Census of Agriculture. The toolkit has been developed in a joint effort by the FAO Regional Office for Africa (FAORAF), Accra, Ghana and the FAO Statistics Division, Rome, Italy, based on contributions provided by numerous National Statistics Departments.

The Database targets the following users:
- Agricultural statisticians;
- Development planners and policy makers, especially of Ministries of Agriculture, the Promotion of Women and of        
   Economic Planning;
- Researches; and
- Gender advocates. 

The toolkit is considered a “living” document, meaning that it will be revised on the basis of relevant suggestions and comments received from its users or significant new developments in the field of agricultural and / or gender statistics.

To read the full document, please click here 

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